Adopter’s Involvement in Innovation Drumblek Development as Special Art of Salatiga City, Indonesia

Nugrahaning Esa Pratiwi, Sri Hastjarjo, Ign. Agung Satyawan


Every region needs its regional identity to be known by many people from other regions. The identitycan be like culture same as Salatiga city culture what called Drumblek as an innovative art. Drumblek is an art which is a modification of Drumband by using the ussed items as its tools. The adoption cultural decision especially with the innovation there is influenced by the involvement of the adopters according to their respective categories. Through diffusion of innovation theory (DoI), this study want to know about the involvement of each adopter category in the expansion of Drumblek in Salatiga city. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach that collects data through in-depth interview techniques and collect many document about Drumblek. The results showed that each adopter in each category has different characteristics between one and another and it affects their behavior, involvement, and way of taking a involvment in the expansion of Drumblek in Salatiga city. The involvement is as a trendsetter, follower, opinion leader and change agent but has the same goal, which is to introduce Drumblek to many people outside Salatiga city and continue to oversee the expansion of Drumblek in the future generations.


Adopter’s Involvement; Adopter; Innovative Arts; Diffusion of Innovation

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