Brand Identity of The New Party

Mira Adita Widianti, Pawito Pawito, Sri Hastjarjo


Being a new party in the election and competing with other senior parties, making the new parties to build symbols, images, and programs that are campaigned through various media, including new media. This article discusses the new media for branding strategy in marketing policies Berkarya Party as a new party in legislative elections in 2019. This study limits one important aspect, namely branding, because it will focus on forming the Berkarya Party image as a new party that wants to attract young voters. As a new political party, the Berkarya Party certainly wants to introduce itself to the public. In the establishment of branding,  brand strategy is the concept theory to formed party image, one of which from brand strategy is the brand identity with the theory of impression management strategy. This study uses qualitative methods with qualitative content analysis methods. The technique of collecting data is obtained from the contents of existing messages on websites and social media created by the recipient. The results to be obtained from this research are the strategies carried out by those who succeeded in the 2019 campaign period in order to get votes from voters


Brand Identity; Impression Management Strategy; New Media, Politics; Party

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