Development of Materials Are Based on Character Values to Improve Intensive Reading Skill Students for Class III in Elementary School
This research aims to develop learning material is insight of a fairy tale that containing character values for grade 3 students through a handbook, consisting of teacher books and student books that can improve students’ intensive reading skills. This fairy tale material involves learning fairy tales with character-oriented insights and guided by using the correct intensive reading skill steps and easy to learn, understand, and understood by the students. This instructional material is equipped with competency map to be achieved by the students, description of student learning materials, student learning activities, exercise questions, reflection, and assessment used to measure students ‘competence to the students’ intensive reading skill. Research method in this development is using Borg and Gall technique. Expert validation results show content-oriented teaching materials to improve students’ intensive reading skills that are valid and highly viable to use. Students’ responses to the understanding of character values are increasing. Teaching materials based on character values to enhance intensive reading skills can improve the intensive reading skill of students’ fairy tales. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant difference between post test of experimental group and control group. Mean experimental group postest 83.6 and average control group postestscore of 78, both groups had a difference of 5.6, indicating a significant increase in increment. So it can be said that the experimental group of learning by using old teaching materials plus storytelling materials with character values insight to improve intensive reading skills more effectively improve student learning outcomes.
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