The Influences of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Motivation on Employee Performances at PT Sumatra Sistem Integrasi Medan
Good and professional management is important for a company or organization in achieving the goals. The application of good values in organizational culture is needed in increasing cooperation between employees in the company. Satisfaction is an achievement of a good work environment that is in line with expectations. Good cooperation between employees and in accordance with expectations, it will provide a strong enthusiasm to work and provide the best performance. This study aims to analyze the influences of organizational culture, job satisfaction and motivation on employee performances at PT Sumatra Sistem Integrasi Medan. The populations in this study are the employees of PT Sumatra Sistem Integrasi Medan with a sample as much as 113 respondents. The sampling technique is simple random sampling and using a questionnaire as a research instrument. This research used multiple linear regression analysis methods to find out the influences of organizational culture, job satisfaction and motivation on employees performances at PT Sumatra Sistem Integrasi Medan. Based on the data, hypotesis were then tested using F-test and T-test. The results showed that organizational culture, job satisfaction and motivation partially and simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on employee performance. These results indicate that the better the organizational culture, the higher job satisfaction and motivation will improve employee performance.
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