Application of Liquid Bioactivator Contains Trichoderma Spp. and Elements of Boron (B) as Growth of Growth and Improvement of Red Onion (Allium Cepa L.) Results

Dwi Haryati Ningsih, I Made Sudantha, Suwardji Suwardji


The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an interaction between the use of Trichoderma Bioactivator spp. with boron, see if the bioactivator Trichoderma spp. able to spur growth and be able to increase the productivity of onion yields, and see whether the addition of boron (B) can spur growth and can increase the productivity of onion yields. The method used in this study is an experimental method in the field. The research was carried out in the Pengangget Village, Senteluk Village, Batulayar Subdistrict, West Lombok and at the Microbiology Laboratory of the University of Mataram. The material used in this study was shallot (Allium cepa L.) type of Keta monca variety, Trichoderma spp. in the form of T. harzianum (SAPRO-07 isolate), and boron type di-Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate. To find out the difference in growth and yield of shallots (Allium cepa L.) using biochemical activator Trichoderma spp. and boron, it is used a variety analysis test with a significance level of 5% using the application of Minitab 16, if the results of the analysis show a real difference then a further test using BNJ at the same level. The results showed that: 1) From the research carried out it was found that the administration of Trichoderma spp. and boron can stimulate plant growth and be able to increase the yield of onion productivity. 2) Provision of Trichoderma biopivator spp. and boron has a significant effect between each treatment, both in terms of the various dose doses that exist in each treatment. Provision of Trichoderma spp. and boron also have a significant effect on each variable of onion growth in the form of; plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers (tubers), wet weight and dry weight of onion, total population of Trichoderma spp., total boron content and an increase in the amount of nutrients in soil characteristics. 3) There is no interaction between the administration of Trichoderma spp. and boron as a trigger for the growth of shallots on various growth variables; plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers (tubers), wet weight and dry weight of onion, population of Trichoderma spp., and total boron content. 4) Bioactivator Trichoderma spp. with the highest dose of 20 ml and boron with a concentration of 0.238 g / cm3 can increase the amount of nutrients, including; organic C content as much as 0.83%, total N as much as 0.076%, P is available 110.76 ppm, K is exchanged by 77.73 meq%, soil pH is 7.21 and soil CEC is 14.12 meq%.


Liquid Bioactivator; Trichoderma spp; Boron (B) Element; Shallot (Allium cepa L.)

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