Recruitments Evaluation of Head School Candidates in Education Foundation Darul Mujahidin NW Mataram

Suhardi Suhardi, Sudirman Sudirman, Fahruddin Fahruddin


The purpose of this study is to describe the recruitment evaluation of head school candidates in Education foundation Darul Mujahidin NW Mataram, starting from the evaluation aspects of planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring and evaluation. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques carried out through interviews, observation, and study of documentation. Data analysis techniques used are 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, 3) conclusion or verification. Based on the results of this study it was concluded that 1) Planning for recruitment of head school candidates was carried out by the Chairperson of the foundation together with the Foundation's management through a foundation meeting or deliberation in order to prepare decisions and policies relating to the recruitment planning and selection of prospective principals, 2) Organizing the recruitment of head school candidates to determine the duties and authority, and the recruitment implementation team through a special meeting and closed the foundation, 3) Implementation of recruitment of of head school candidates by the Foundation board as an analysis of needs and as a person responsible for the implementation of activities, namely administrative selection, and academic selection. Whereas the Chairperson of the foundation as the policy maker determines the graduation or appointment and issuance of a decree on the appointment of school principals, and 4) Monitoring and Evaluation is carried out by the Chairperson of the foundation in accordance with his authority, such as: The Chairperson of the Foundation plays a role in overseeing the planning of needs, supervision of administrative selection, supervision of academic selection, and supervision foundation board meeting to determine the appointment of the principal.


Recruitment; Headmaster; Foundation

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