Rating Analysis of Service Quality, Comfort, Cleanliness, Food and Location of Hotels in DIY to Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Customers in Traveloka
The objective of this research is to determine the quality of hotel service, comfort, cleanliness, food and location ratings in Yogyakarta City on customer satisfaction in hotel consumers in Traveloka. This study applies a quantitative cross-sectional method. The research population is 1,090 hotels that have been rated on the Traveloka website or application and 1-5-star hotels located in Yogyakarta City. The results of this research found that: 1) out of 5 research variables which include service, cleanliness, food, location, and security, only 4 variables have significant effect on customer satisfaction, namely service, cleanliness, location, and comfort, 2) the 3 variables only give effect of 60% while the remaining 40% is contributed by other factors not observed in this research, 3) the Fcount value is 223.561 with probability value (Sig.) = 0,000. The Fcount value (223.561) > Ftable (0.89) which means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The most dominant variable of this research is service proved by β value which is higher than the 3 variables that has effect of β = 0.312. It means that increasing consumer satisfaction at star hotels should improve hotel services as well.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i6.1250
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