Analysis of Factors Affecting Internal Audit Quality: Study at the Inspectorate of Maluku Province, Ambon City and West Seram District

Piter Arson Welay, Rosidi Rosidi, Nurkholis Nurkholis


This study aims to empirically examine the effects of competence, independence, work experience and internal control systems. Using 61 samples of employees working as auditors in the Maluku Provincial Inspectorate, Ambon City and West Seram District, the data analysis method uses SEM-PLS with the help of the Warp PLS 6.0 application. The results showed that competency had no effect on audit quality, because respondents' demographics had competencies that were not in accordance with the standards, so that in the last few years they had received a fair audit opinion with an exception. Independence has a positive effect on audit quality, the auditor who is always objective in carrying out the audit process, will produce a quality audit. Work experience has a positive effect on audit quality, the more experienced the auditor, the easier it will be to detect audit problems. The internal control system is able to strengthen the relationship of competence, independence and job satisfaction with audit quality, this shows that a good internal control system will support the creation of quality audits.


Internal Audit Quality; Competence; Independence; Work Experience; Internal Control Systems

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