Creating New Independent Entrepreneurs based on Partnership: Case Study on O’Chicken Partnership

Mar’atun Shalihah, Sri Iswati, Shonhaji Sholeh


The objective of this research is to analyze new independent entrepreneurs based on partnership through case study on O’Chicken partnership. The research design is a qualitative research using descriptive approach. The research technique research is case study that takes partnership case with O’Chicken. The results showed that commitment which is calculated very carefully and the partnership developed by O’Chicken towards those who work with O’Chicken will create a business environment where the core company is able to produce business opportunities that give birth to new entrepreneurs who want to partner with this core company. In the case study conducted at O’Chicken, it has basic standards that must be met for partners who want to open a new business; among them is having a vision and mission that is in line. Meanwhile, in the application of the partnership program, O’Chicken runs an excellent quality control in which the partners are given training so that service quality owned by the core company is the same as service quality that the partner provides to consumers. The training is given by Chef O’Chicken directly to the new partner—in this case the owner of the outlet—which is then passed on to the employees that they employ.


Business; O’Chicken; Partnership

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