The Effect of Work Climate, Self Efficacy, and Spirituality at Workplace on Burnout of Regional Government Hospital Nurses in Mataram
In doing their jobs, all nurses are able to carry out their duties and functions properly. However, they often experience mental and emotional exhaustion because they are required to always be alert in providing maximum services for others. The research objectives to be achieved were: 1) to test and analyze the effect of work climate on nurses’ burnout in hospitals, 2) to test and analyze the effect of self-efficacy on nurses’ burnout in hospitals, 3) test and analyze the effect of spirituality in the workplace to nurses’ burnout in the Government Hospital and Regional Hospital in Mataram City. The design of the research was associative causal research. The method used to determine the number of samples employed the Slovin formula. It involved 218 people at the Government Hospital and 180 people at the Regional Hospital. The number of each sample in each section was determined through proportionate stratified random sampling. The results found that the coefficient of determination above 0.409 or in other words the work climate, spirituality at work, and self-efficacy variables have effect on burnout by 40.9% while the remaining 59.1% is affected by other variables that are not the focus of this research.
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