Supervision of the Protocol of the Deceased Conveyancer in Padang City
Conveyancer plays an important role in assisting heads of district and city land offices in carrying out activities in land registration process. The provision governing conveyancer is listed in Article 7 of Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration. Based on the data that the author obtained from Padang Land Office, the number of conveyancers in Padang is 122 people. These conveyancers are spread all over Padang where the most locations are in the center of Padang City. The main problems in this study are about: 1) how the implementation and procedures for submitting the protocol of the deceased conveyancer, and 2) how the supervision for submitting the protocol of the deceased conveyancer in Padang City. This legal study employed an empirical juridical approach; i.e. a study that approaches the problem by looking at the prevailing legal norms which then relates it to legal facts that occur in the field. In this study, the data sources were obtained from literature research and field research. The data collection technique was carried out through document study and structured interview. The results of the study will show how the procedure for submitting the protocol of the deceased conveyancer in Padang City and with the obstacles encountered in the procedure.
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