The Effect of Emotional Weakness on Work Satisfaction and Organizational Commitments in the Office of Customs Control and Service Excise on Madya Customs Type B Kualanamu
The task of the Office of Customs and Excise Customs and Excise Inspection Type B Kualanamu is to carry out customs and excise supervision and services in accordance with its Professional Motto namely Progressive, Effective, Visionary and Totality. This agency is always on standby 24 hours a day in one week and is never closed. The aim of this research is to find out the effect of emotional fatigue on job satisfaction on KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu, the effect of emotional fatigue on organizational commitment on KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu, the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment on KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu. This research uses quantitative methods. The population in this study were all KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu employees with details of Echelon III = 1 person, Echelon IV = 12 people, Echelon V = 26 people, Executing Examiner = 79 people and Administrative Executing = 21 people. So that the total number of employees at the KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu is 139 people. The results showed. Emotional Fatigue Influences Job Satisfaction in KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu, Emotional Fatigue Influences Organizational Commitment on KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu and Job Satisfaction Influences Organizational Commitment on KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu.
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