Overview of School Well-Being in Students with High Academic Achievement in Featured High School

Ajeng Ayushi Widiyani, Ajeng Ayushi Widiyani


The objective of this study is to look at the condition of school well-being in students who have high academic achievement and attend featured schools. The composition and learning style of students in featured high schools is different from other schools, because students who have high academic achievement usually have a high desire to learn. In addition, these students are in a learning environment with good academic grades and high achievement competition. Then, there is a condition where other students have the opportunity to take part in a championship or an Olympic. However, it will be a pressure when a student who usually participates in the activity is not given the opportunity to participate. This study uses qualitative method with case study research design. Researchers collected data from four students who had high academic achievement in top schools with different background in life. The general conclusion of this study is that students with high academic achievement in excellent schools may not necessarily have a good school. Moreover, the description of each subject shows varied results. This study examines the dimensions of having (school conditions), loving (social relations), being (self-fulfillment), and health (health conditions). Through the implementation of this study, researcher expects that the welfare of all students will get more attention.


School Well-Being; Academic Achievement; Featured School

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i6.1217


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