Correlation between Social Support from Orphanage Administrator and Future Orientation of Teenager Living in Orphanage
The objectives of the study are to determine the description of the future orientation of teenager living in orphanage, to know the description of social support from orphanage administrator, and to know whether or not there is a correlation between social support from orphanage administrator and the future orientation of teenager living in orphanage. This is a quantitative research. The subjects of the study were 200 teenagers living in orphanage. The sampling was carried out using total sampling technique. The data validity was done through validity and reliability tests. The data collection method was performed by using a psychological scale. The data analysis technique was performed using product moment correlation analysis. The results showed that the two research variables, social support from orphanage administrator and future orientation of teenager living in orphanage, are in the high category: 55% and 66%. Based on the calculation results, the R-score between the variables of social support and future orientation is 0.526 with a significance of 0.000 (p < 0.01). It means that there is a significant positive correlation between social support and future orientation of teenager living in orphanage.
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