Human Resource Scorecard (HRSC) and Objective Matrix as Performance Measurement and Performance Booster Method to Optimize Production Performance
The development technology is something that happens quickly and surely this is marked by the number of new manufacturing companies that are emerging and spreading throughout the world. In the manufacturing industry the most important thing that must always be maintained is production efficiency, but the majority of industries only pay attention to the efficiency aspects of their production activities without regard to the aspects of humans who work in the industry. Human resource scorecard (HRSC) is an appropriate measurement method in identifying and measuring the relationship between workers, strategy, and performance to produce a good company. This human resource performance measurement is looking at business units from four perspectives: financial perspective (F), the customer (C), internal business process (I), and learning and growth (L). Each perspective in HRSC weighted by Analytical Hierarchy process method and then calculated by Objective Matrix (OMAX) to identify which category needed an extra attention and need to be repaired. The end result of OMAX will be reviewed by management theory so the solution made in this analysis will produce the best end result that needed by the company. This measurement is very critical to the company because the competition between company is getting tougher nowadays. HRSC measurement was carried in PT OCM by describing the company’s vision and mission into human resource action whose contribution can be measured using AHP analysis in 4 perspectives: financial perspective with a weight of 0.396, customer perspective (employee) with a weight of 0.118, internal business perspective with a weight of 0.240, and growth and development perspective with a weight of 0.247 after that PT OCM use that measurement in OMAX method to determine what KPI needed extra attention and repairment, management based theory will be applied in that solution to give the best result.
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