The Implementation of History Learning through the Values of Indis Architecture of Kapitan House to Enhance Students’ Social Solidarity
In the educational field, the implementation of History learning that provides local culture heritage is defined as a small starting point for the character changes of a large generation of notion. In the context of cultural values, several values such as acculturation, tolerance, cooperation and mutual cooperation are presented through the Indis architecture of Kapitan house as a model of History learning that is relevant to assist the growth process of a generation having characteramong the plural society. In this study, researchers propose the Indis architecture values of Kapitan house to transform the values of local culture heritage as a form of students’ solidarity. Through the existing values on Indis architecture of Kapitan house, the students are expected tobuild the tolerance, mutual cooperation, cooperation and mutual respect in diversity. In order to investigate the purpose this study, mixed-method research that was meant as the combination between quantitative and qualitative research was applied in SMAN 8 Palembang. To clarify, this study aimed at presenting the locality of Palembang history in forming the students’ social solidarity.
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