Strategy of Achievement Target Marketing of Services Licensed Operator Products PT Telkom Regional I

Marcelina Lydia F.D. Simamora, Sukaria Sinulingga, Isfenti Sadalia


PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk (PT Telkom) as the National Flag Carrier of telecommunications in Indonesia which has a Full Network Service Provider license serving almost all digital services for all licensed operators in Indonesia. One of the operators served by PT Telkom is Telkomsel. Telkomsel is the largest operator in Indonesia. In providing its best services to Telkomsel, Telkom Indonesia has a number of SoW (Scope of Work) that is used to share services provided to operators who are customers of licensed operator products, namely modernization: sites built using optical fiber but previously were on air using Telkom radios and rollout: sites built using fiber optics in areas where there is no service at all. In Sumatra, Telkom Regional I is tasked with serving Telkomsel in 3 areas, namely Telkomsel in the Sumbagut area (North Sumatra), Sumbagteng (Central Sumatra) and Sumbagsel (South Sumatra). In 2018 the construction of Telkomsel's BTS site has reached 9,566 Site ID Node-b which has reached 75% of the inner city of Sumatra. This type of research is a descriptive study by evaluating the factors that become obstacles in achieving Telkom Serviced Licensed Operator product targets in Telkom Regional I Sumatra and formulating strategies that can be done in increasing the achievement of the Serviced Licensed Operator product targets in Telkom Regional I Sumatra. To obtain strategies, various analyzes are carried out such as internal environmental analysis such as management, marketing, finance, production and operations, human resources, and external environmental factors such as the macro and industrial environment. In analyzing these factors, IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) and EFE (External Factor Evaluation) score measurements, IE (Internal External) analysis and SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Thread) analysis are used


Optical Fiber; Telecommunications; Operators, External Internal Analysis; SWOT Analysis

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Web Sources



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