The Role of Investigator in Applying Diversion to Children in Conflict with the Law in the Jurisdiction of Padang City Police
The objectives of this study are to: 1) find out and analyze the role of investigator of the Women and Child Protection Unit in applying diversion to children in conflict with the law, 2) determine and analyze the implementation of diversion carried out by the Women and Child Protection Unit against children in conflict with law, 3) identify and analyze the obstacles of investigators of the Women and Child Protection Unit in applying diversion to children in conflict with the law. This research employs the sociological juridical method, a research in the discipline of law that is based on the reality that occurs in society where the type of study in this study is specifically descriptive. The results of this study found that: 1) the implementation of diversion in Padang City Police had been going well where there were 14 (fourteen) cases that were successfully resolved through diversion channels throughout 2015-2017, 2) the implementation of diversion in Padang City Police was guided by the Law on the Criminal Justice System for Children (UU SPPA), Secret Telegram of the Head of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Police TR/1124/XI/2006 and TR/395/DIT,VI/2008, and Government Regulation No. 65 of 2015, 3) in applying the diversion, Padang City Police investigators faced several obstacles such as: the victim felt that his/her rights were not protected because the suspect was given privileges in the legal process and the victim or his/her family considered the law to be biased and favored the suspect. It is the reason for the failure of deliberation regarding diversion. To anticipate this failure, there are a number of suggestions in which human resources in the Children’s Criminal Justice Unit (PPA) of Padang City Police should be given training in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs in the framework of developing human resource competencies. It is better if the internal police regulations relating to the implementation of diversion are revised and adjusted to the applicable laws and regulations.
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