Sasak-Taliwang Code Mixing Used Among Inhabitants of Jantuk Village Mantang in Central Lombok
People may speak bilingually because they acquire two languages during childhood or learn second language after acquiring their first language. In Jantuk community, people there speak two languages which the combination of both is not common. The two languages are Taliwang and Sasak languages. Due to this code mixing phenomenon, it is important to carry out a research in this topic. This research aimed to find out the types and reasons of code mixing appearing in daily conversation of Jantuk community located in Mantang. This research used descriptive qualitative method to find out, analyze, and classify code mixing. As this phenomenon only happened in Jantuk village, this research was conducted in Jantuk, Central Lombok. The data were analyzed based on the theory of Suwito and Hoffman. The finding of this study showed that there were four types of code mixing used by Jantuk people. They were word insertion, phrase insertion, clause insertion and repetition insertion. The reasons were talking about particular topic, expressing group identity and interjection. Even though Jantuk community mixed two contrast languages, they did not change any meaning, topic, situation, and setting of place of the sentence.
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