The Prince of Diponegoro: The Knight of the Javanese War, His Profile of the Spirit and Struggle against the Invaders
Prince Diponegoro's spirit is a spirit of heroism that never goes out. His soul seemed to continue to live up to the present time. Prince Diponegoro was the leader of the Javanese resistance against Dutch colonialism in 1825-1830. Javanese environment of religion and customs which is very strict makes the Prince does not deign to return to the palace which has been incited by Dutch deception and Western culture. Although the struggle was still limited to Java, Diponegoro provided inspiration for freedom fighters. Additionally, among the Indonesian people to take up arms against the Dutch. The Diponegoro War, which was also the Javanese War, was the biggest war that the Dutch had experienced at that time. Prince Diponegoro teaches about mortality from wealth and position. The struggle in society is seen as far more valuable. Spirit of Diponegoro becomes important in strengthening our nationalism frame.
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