Gelumpai Manuscript: Reinterpretation of Ashabiyah (Solidarity) Palembang Society
The underlying notion of this study is to describeGelumpai manuscript. Gelumpai manuscript is defined ascollective memoriesthat contain historical values of Palembang society. Correspondingly, collective memories in Gelumpai manuscript contain the values of social solidarity of Palembang society. The social solidarity has been formed in harmony since the early age. This could be portrayed from the existing multicultural aspects in the script of Gelumpai written inka-ga-nga characters and kromoinggil language (the highest level of Java language) in which it narrates the majesty of Prophet Muhammad. Accordingly, this study aims to explore the social solidarity of Palembang society by using ashabiyah theory from IbnuKhaldun. It uses descriptive-qualitative method with local wisdom approach. The research proposes Gelumpai manuscript as the construction of social solidarity of Palembang society.
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