Investigating the Mutashābihat of the phrase "فأنساه الشّيطان ذكر ربّه"
In examining the phrase "فأنساه الشّیطان ذکر ربّه " as one of the Mutashābihat (i.e. allegorical phrases) of the Holy Qur'an, there are two views that one related the oblivion to the remembrance of God and attributed it to the Prophet Yūsuf (pbuh) and knows its reason as Satan's influence on the Prophet; and another, attributes oblivion to the king's butler who forgot the Yūsuf completely. After examining the Muḥkamat (i.e. decisive), which indicates that Satan had no way to have an influence on him. On the other hand, the evidences in the Muḥkamat of the Prophet Yūsuf (pbuh) also showed that he was one of the sincere and benefactor Prophets (pbuh), and possessed a divine commandment and knowledge that caused his infallibility. In the end it was proved that the reason for the prolongation of the prison of the Prophet Yūsuf that has come in the style of the verse was not his sin or error, but it was a divine tradition for testing the people.
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The Holy Quran
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