Prediction Spatial Model of Domestic Liquid Waste Distribution in Sawojajar Village, Malang City of Indonesia

Bekti Prihatiningsih, Zaenal Kusuma, Agus Suharyanto, Amin Setyo Leksono


The distribution of domestic liquid waste is difficult to identify and mark because it is spread. However, it is very necessary to obtain a picture of the spread of pollution and take further management steps. This research is carried out to predict spatially the level of pollution of domestic wastewater that will be used to prevent further pollution. The research was conducted in the Sawojajar Village District of Malang. The results based on the population approach show that population growth greatly influences the distribution of domestic wastewater. The relatively small population growth shows a different distribution pattern which the increasing number of populations will affect the distribution of domestic liquid waste.


Pattern; Spread, Pollution; Distribution

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