Limitation on Maximum Differences in Dispute Settlement Results of Regional Head Selection in the Constitutional Court

Hendrik Syaf Putra, Saldi Isra, Suharizal Suharizal


One of the manifestations of the implementation of today's sovereignty is the democratically-elected regional head of elections which is the mandate of the country's constitution. In the course of the dispute of the result of the election of the head of the area there is a provision of the difference in votes in Article 158 of Law No. 10 of 2016 on the Election of the Governor, the Regent, and the Mayor who constitutes a formal requirement to be able to dispute to the Constitutional Court. The purpose of this study is to analyze the basis of the determination of the threshold for submission of the dispute result of the election of the regional head to the Constitutional Court and how the implications of the sound threshold contained in the election law of the regional head.


Threshold; Election of Regional Head; Dispute of Result; Constitutional Court

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