Relationship between Abnormalities the Arcus Form Static and Dynamic Balance Levels In Class 1-4 Students for Primary School Muhammadiyah Ambokembang Academic 2018/2019 in Pekalongan District

Mega Widya Putri, Rifqi Sabita, Dzikra Nurseptiani


This study was conducted to determine the relationship between arch deformity with dynamic balance and static balance in students at SD Muhammadiyah Ambokembang. Arch deformity data was obtained from the pedis arch test, namely the wet footprint test, dynamic balance was obtained from the balance beam test and the static succession was obtained from a one foot stand test. This research was conducted on boys and girls at  Muhammadiyah Ambokembang class 1-4 Primary School. In this study, there is a relationship between arch deformity with dynamic equilibrium (p <0.05) with value (p = 0,000) and static balance with values (p = 0,000). Many factors can affect a person's dynamic balance, namely physical, biomechanical, musculoskeletal, and somatosensory factors. However, from the results of this study it can be seen that musculoskeletal factors in the form of a pedis arch form in particular the arch form deformity turned out to greatly affect the dynamic balance in the elementary school students studied. Arche deformities can affect dynamic balance because the flat foot shape without curvature is less able to function as a rigid lever for leveraging the body when the foot will leave its footing in the walking process. This study provides the results that respondents experience impaired balance, especially when doing a static balance test that is by walking on long beams.


Abnormalities; Arcus; Static; Dynamic

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