Effects of Circuit Training with High Intensity and Low Intensity on Anaerobic Endurance in Basketball Players
High-intensity and low-intensity circuit training exercises can result in increased physical fitness for basketball players. . The purpose of this study in general is to obtain the implications of high-intensity and low-intensity Circuit Training for increasing anaerobic endurance.
This research is an experimental design with randomized controled group pretest and posttest design. This study used a population of 60 people, with the number of sample group treatment I was 20 people given high intensity circuit training, the treatment group II was 20 people given circuit training with low intensity and a control group of 20 people. The test used is the RAST test to measure anaerobic endurance.
The conclusion of this research is the Circuit Training program with high intensity and low intensity has a significant effect on anaerobic endurance. High intensity circuit training is more effective than low intensity Circuit Training and the control group for anaerobic endurance.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i3.1018
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