Implementation of Supervisor Clinical Supervision in Increasing the Teachers Pedagogic Competence of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) in Masbagik District
The purpose of this study is to obtain a picture of how the strategy of implementing clinical supervision of supervisors to improve teacher pedagogical competence. This study uses a qualitative approach supported by a quantitative approach to get a general picture of the implementation of clinical supervision. The location of this study was conducted in two Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) in Masbagik sub-district, namely MTs Al-Ijtihad Danger and MTs Al Khaer Ambung Masbagik Timur. The type of data collected in this study is divided into 2 (two), namely primary data and secondary data. Research informants obtained by Snowball sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Data collection techniques in this study are using interviews, observation and documentation. 1) Interview, a data collection technique through question and answer with research subjects and informants. Research results indicate that: 1) The implementation of clinical supervision includes the stages: planning, implementation, evaluation, analysis and follow-up. Supervision planning is designed by arranging the supervision program and socializing it to the madrasa so that all teachers know it. The implementation phase includes initial meetings, observations, and feedback meetings. MGMP and work shop are solutions that are taken as a follow up from clinical supervsi which is a discussion forum to discuss the lack of teacher performance. 2) The initial meeting of clinical supervision is done by first establishing familiarity with the teacher so that it does not seem daunting, then examining the syllabus and lesson plans, agreeing on aspects that will be supervised in the supervision instrument and setting the supervision schedule. At the observation stage, observe and record all activities of teachers and students in the class as a reference in feedback meetings. Feedback is carried out in feedback meetings to assist teachers in solving problems experienced while doing learning in class. 3) Internal constraints that are sufficiently hampering the implementation of clinical supervision are those of the supervisor himself because he is hampered by the many activities and workloads of supervisors. To overcome this obstacle, the East Lombok district office of the Ministry of Religion continues to work to overcome the discrepancy in the number of supervisors through the recruitment of prospective supervisors annually based on an analysis of supervisor needs made by the chairperson of the pokjawas. While the efforts of the Chairperson of the Pokjawas are to form a supervisory supervision team that will be tasked with conducting clinical supervision so that all teachers have the opportunity to be supervised.
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