Implementation of Good Environmental Governance in the Management of Forest Resources in Banten Province, Indonesia in terms of Environmental Law
Forests are an integral and inseparable part of the lives of the people who live around them. The potential of natural resources in Indonesia are plentiful, it has a severe impact and high damage. The deteriorating condition of forests, among others are also not balanced with the ability to create plantations and adequate in accordance with the needs of industrial markets. Of the total area of Banten Province amounting to 966,292 Ha, the Area of Forest Area in Banten Province in 2017 according to the Decree of Partial Determination of Forest Areas is an area of 195,286.09 Ha. The purpose of this research is to provide a solution to the Banten Provincial Environment Agency regarding its role in overseeing and controlling the management of forest product resources to implement good environmental governance. The method used in this research is an empirical normative juridical approach, which is an approach that focuses on norms or norms, so that the problem will be assessed and analyzed by referring to the applicable laws and regulations relating to the problem of managing forest resources.
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