Performance Analysis of Civil Cervant (ASN) Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Banda Aceh City (Study on the Implementation of Natural Disaster Management)
Indonesia often experiences natural disasters, including in the city of Banda Aceh. Therefore, professional and proportional workers are needed. This research is important to do with the general objectives of knowing: "Performance Analysis of BPBD Civil Servants (ASN) in the Natural Disaster Management of Banda Aceh City". While the specific objectives are to find out: BPBD facilities in natural disaster management so far; ASN BPBD Qualifications in implementing natural disaster management; and Programs formulated and implemented by ASN BPBD in natural disaster management in Banda Aceh City. This study uses descriptive analytical methods with a qualitative approach to 10 (ten) subjects selected by purposive sampling. Data collection is done by observation, interview and documentary review. The data analysis technique was carried out in three ways, data display, reduction and conclution. The results of the study stated that the analysis of the performance of the State civil servants in the Implementation of Natural Disaster Management was not yet professional and proportional, both seen from the BPBD Facility, ASN Qualifications and the program of activities that were formulated and implemented that were not so synchronous, so it did not significantly affect the welfare of victims. For this reason, the government needs to review the synchronization of policies in terms of adequate regulations, institutions, employees and programs and finances.
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