Decision making criteria for Optimal Selection of Innovative Daylighting Systems in Buildings, Using Integrated Delphi/Dematel/AHP Approach
Nowadays, dense cities has led towards the decrease of daylight penetration into the interior space. Daylight crisis in buildings brings significant challenges to architecture, in three domains of economic, health - wellbeing and environment. "Light well" as one of the most common means of daylight tolls in building, experiences severe limitations and requires special attention. The question is which strategy is the best for increasing the daylight penetration to the depth of buildings. One of the main challenges in deep plan is to guide daylight into the building core and this can be performed through daylighting strategies, but the choice of the proper innovative daylighting system (IDS) with several parameters is the problem. This paper aims to find elements for optimal choice and selecting context-compatible tools for light well. The result shows that four macro factors were found at the interaction of building and IDS. Identifying the integration components can play an effective role in decision-making or design a new tolls consistent with the physical conditions of light well and building to overcome the daylight crisis. The present study aimed to identify, evaluate, and weigh the factors affecting the selection of appropriate and innovative daylighting systems for buildings. To this end, a three-phase study was planned and carried out. In the first phase, the factors affecting the selection of daylighting systems for the building were screened and finalized by using the Delphi method in three steps. In the second phase, interactions between criteria and sub-criteria were evaluated by the DEMATEL technique and then the network of communications and significant relationship between them were determined. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was employed in the third phase to evaluate the criteria and determine their importance in the selection of daylighting systems. Finally, the relevant sub-criteria were extracted and prioritized. The results indicated that structural, economic, and technical criteria were more effective than functional criteria in the selection of daylighting systems for buildings.
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