Supervision of Investment Companies in the Prevention of Illegal Investment Practices

Dwi Desi Yayi Tarina, Sylvana Murni Deborah Hutabarat


The practice of illegal investment which is often referred to as bulging investment, in this case the community is promised to get a fixed profit / interest every month even though the company is losing money. This can be seen, this form of investment is clearly unnatural, funds are highly speculative and seek to avoid banking regulations in collecting funds from the public in the form of deposits. Legal awareness and understanding of the law become an important part because there is thus compliance and legal protection for the parties. Investment law in this case is more closely related to rules based on banking law that explicitly threaten imprisonment and fines against bully investment actors, which point to the legal threat against those who carry out business activities without permission to raise funds from the public. This research is focused on the Banten Province. This is because bulging investments are prone to occur in Banten Province. One contributing factor is Banten, one of the provinces that is very close to the capital of Indonesia, namely Jakarta. The purpose of this research is to find out how efforts can be made to oversee every investment company operations, especially to avoid the existence of illegal investment practices in the community.


Supervision; Investment; Illegal

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