Model Development Based on GIS: Culinary Tourism in East Luwu Regency

Syahrial Syahrial, Faisal Akbar Zaenal, Syamsu Rijal, Muh. Zainuddin Badollahi


The rapid development of technology makes human needs for information about tourist attractions require the availability of appropriate information systems, therefore the geographic information system of culinary attractions is developed to help tourists. This study aims to design a website to help tourists find culinary tourism in East Luwu Regency. System or GIS website that has been made, is tested first to see if there are still errors or need to be repaired and then implemented by uploading a file to a place (hosting) so that it can be accessed easily by anyone. The result is that the Website is used by users to successfully display a map of the distribution of culinary attractions, display culinary tourism categories in East Luwu Regency, display lists and general information of each culinary tourism object by category, and see the route of tourist attractions.


Tourism; Traditional Food; Culinary; GIS

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