Knowledge Creating in the Formation of Demands for Compensation Consideration Council (MP-TGR) In Gorontalo Regency

Yolanda Oktavia, Sangkala Sangkala, Suryadi Lambali, Muhammad Yunus


Knowledge management in its application through a knowledge cycle. This knowledge cycle begins with the process of knowledge-creating. The purpose of this study is to find out and describe how the stage of knowledge creation or knowledge-creating in the formation of MP-TGR in Gorontalo Regency in the perspective of knowledge-creating according to Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995). This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach using primary and secondary data sources. From the results of research and analysis explains that the stage of knowledge-creating in the formation of MP-TGR with knowledge-creating proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi has differences both in terms of stages and the role and function of each individual in the organization. But the most significant difference between the two is at the stage of knowledge formation.


Knowledge-Creating; Knowledge Management; SECI Create Model

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