Ability to Teach Indonesian Language in Elementary schools: Comparative Study of Teachers who have taken Professional Education and have not Participated in Professional Teacher Education

Deddy Sofyan, Endry Boerieswati, Moch Asmawi


The aim of this research is to find out the differences in the ability to teach Indonesian between teachers who have taken part in the teacher professional education program and those who have not yet taken part in the teacher professional education program. The method in this research is descriptive verification, using ex post facto and survey approaches. Respondents in this study are the primary school teachers in Bogor district who have and have not participated in the teaching profession. The results of this study indicate there are differences between teachers who have attended Professional Education and have not Participated in Professional Teacher Education in teaching Indonesian language learning in elementary schools. It is known that teachers who have taken professional teacher education have significant marks because this teacher has been given additional education on how to become a professional teacher and can master the competence of a professional teacher.


Teaching Ability; Elementary School Teachers; Professional Teacher Education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i6.1214


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