The Strategy of Teaching Speaking Through Culture

Suranto Suranto, Aceng Rahmat, Nuruddin Nuruddin


Speaking as one of the competences in English has become main purpose for those who study English. This competence becomes a symbol for students to show that they have mastered English. In fact, teaching speaking in school often failed because the teacher didn’t include culture in teaching it. Most teachers forget that language is an important part of the culture. The aim of this research was to investigate deeply the strategy of teaching speaking through culture. By the ethnographic design, the researcher revealed the strategy used by the teacher in teaching speaking through culture. The object of the study was students of Senior High School in the higher level. Data were collected through observation, interview with the teachers, students and document review. The finding indicated that the teacher integrated the adaptive strategy in teaching speaking with three level of culture that is: cultural knowledge, cultural awareness and cultural competence.


Strategy; Teaching; Speaking; Culture

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