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Ramyar, Fatemeh, MA Student of Qur’an and Hadith, University of Mazandaran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Rangga, Kordiyana K, Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung (Indonesia)
Ranjbar, Abdollah, PhD Candidate of Private Law, Azad University of Damghan (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Ranjbari, Kothar, Graduate Student, Qur’an Interpretation, The College of Qur’anic Sciences, University of Mazandaran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Rantau, Diana, University of Mataram (Indonesia)
Rantung, Meity R., Faculty of Agriculture, Sam Ratulangi University (Indonesia)
Rapani, Rapani, Chemistry Education Department, University Lampung, Lampung (Indonesia)
Rarasati, Tania Tasmaya, Master of Notary, Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University (Indonesia)
Rasanani, Elahe Hadian, Quranic Sciences Department, University of Quran and Hadith, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Rasanani, Elahe Hadian, Assistant Professor, Quranic Sciences Department, University of Quran and Hadith, Tehran
Rasda, Dewi, Faculty of Law Institute of Social Sciences and Business Andi Sapada (Indonesia)
Rashed, Mohsen (Afghanistan)
Rasheed, Shiler Abdulrahman, Department of Accounting, Collage of Administration and Economy, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region – F.R, (Iraq)
Rashidi, Mansour, Researcher of history and tomb guardian of Mirza Isa Khan Vazir (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Rashidi, Noradin, Shahed University, Tehran (Indonesia)
Rashidova, Gulnoza Gulomovna, Teacher, Jizzakh Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Educators, Jizzakh (Uzbekistan)
Rasji, Rasji, Faculty of Law, Tarumanagara University, West Jakarta (Indonesia)
Rasnani, Elahe Hadian, Assistant Professor, Quran and Hadith University, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Rasouli, Abdul Hussein, PhD Student in Private law, Almustafa International University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Rasouli, Saeedeh, Level 4 student, Family Jurisprudence, Rafieh Al-Mustafa Institute of Theological Sciences (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Rastkar Komachali, Hedyeh (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Rasulov, Murad Absamatovich, Senior lecturer, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
Rasulov, Shavkat Shukhratovich, Associate Professor, Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture (Uzbekistan)
Rasulovna Tishabaeva, Iroda, Independent Researcher, Ferghana State University (Uzbekistan)
Rasyid, Muhammad Labib Siena Ar, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Indonesia)

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