Legal Education in Indonesia Towards an Industrial Revolution 4.0

Zainal Asikin


This study aims to uncover and explore the role of legal education in Indonesia in preparing skilled workers in facing the industrial era 4.0. The method used in this study is a normative method with a legislative approach and a historical approach. The results showed the need for a Diploma in Law Education (D4) specifically to educate Applied Bachelor candidates in the field of law that were prepared to be professionals in their respective fields (lawyers, prosecutors, judges and others). Applied Bachelor (D4) is specifically given practical legal material and therefore graduates are not to continue to master’s level. This adopted the Juris Doctor education pattern in several Western countries. This graduate to work as an Advocate must take an examination by the Supreme Court or Advocate Organization without going through additional education / training and without having to do more internships.


Legal Education; Industry 4.0

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