Legal Protection of Civils Rights on Childrens’ Birth from the Unrecorded Marriage

Nining Herlina, Zainal Asikin, Lalu Husni


Marriage is a rule to authorize the relationship of two different gender to become husband and wife. Sociologically, there are marriage that was done by religious law but was not recorded by the state even until it produced children. Law Number 1 from Year 1974 on Marriage confirms that marriage is valid if conducted according to the religion and registered as regulated on binding law.

This study aims to examine the law protection of civilization rights on childrens’ birth from the unregistered marriage. Research methods is normative research with statute, conceptual, and case approaches. Conclusion, recording is one of the important aspects in marriage, if marriage is not recorded, even though it is legal based on the religious law, but in the state provision, marriage does not have the legal force. Furthermore,  it is not recognized by the state because it does not have the right to manage all interests related to the state. Law protection on childrens’ birth from the unregistered marriages can be taken by isbat nikah to legalize the marriage of their parents.

Key Words:  Legal Protection, Children, Unrecorded, Marriage, Alimentation, Inheritance, Islamic Law


Legal Protection; Children; Unrecorded; Marriage; Alimentation; Inheritance; Islamic Law

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