KSA’s Islamic Political Agenda in Indonesia: A Review to the King Salman’s visit in Indonesia

Istadiyantha Istadiyantha


Bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabian (KSA) government and the Republic of Indonesia have been established from 1947 to the present, initially their relationship was intended to strengthen cooperation in certain fields, through the principle of mutual respect, respect and benefit. The ultimate goal of bilateral relations based on these principles is to improve the welfare and prosperity of the people for each country. The author considers this interesting to see how Saudi Arabia continues to increase its influence and its state relations to Indonesia. This article was written based on the document data and historical approach. This study is concluded deductively. The historical approach reviews a problem from the point of historical overview towards the KSA’s visit, which addresses and analyzes it by using the method of historical analysis. The study is expected to provide information and categorization about the region of Jamaah Islamiyah, Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia. It is also necessary to obtain information about the influence of the King Salman visit in early 2017 to Indonesia concerning the growth of terrorism in the South East Asia primarily the Indonesia


Billateral relations, Jamaah Islamiyah, al-Qaeda; ISIS; Middle East; Southeast Asia.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v5i4.503


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