Psychosocial Intervention for Students with Disabilities in Identified Primary Schools of South Western Ethiopia

Getachew Abeshu, Abdulfettah Muzemil


The main purpose of this study was conducting psychosocial intervention/training to selected schools of South Western Ethiopia. Three school principals, teachers of students with disabilities in the integrated classrooms, parents of the same and selected students with disabilities involved in the training conducted at their respective schools. The intervention study involved ecological perspectives of approaching the individuals’ responsible assisting students with disabilities. Participants were selected purposively from each category where manual of training was employed for three groups: students/children with disabilities, parents and teachers of these children. The manual developed by researcher was evaluated critically by co-trainers and the trainee. The result indicated that the manual is of standard type which has to be organized as a guide or handbook of training in the psycho-social intervention. It incorporated foremost disability areas that had been covered in short-term training with all intervention strategies to be followed by concerned bodies. Finally, it is underlined that the manual has to be organized in more comprehensive way and been given to all stakeholders in the education of students with disabilities in the country.


Disability; Education; Intervention; Primary School; Psychosocial

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