Cultural Education Values of Canting by Arswendo Atmowiloto and Canting by Fissilmi Hamida

Elok Harisma Kartikasari, Suyitno Suyitno, Andayani Andayani


This research aims to explain and describe the values of cultural education contained in the Canting novel by Arswendo Atmowiloto and the Canting novel by Fissilmi Hamida. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with all citations related to the purpose of the research as the object of research. The data were collected using content analysis. They were then analyzed using interactive analysis techniques. The results of the analysis obtained from this research are Canting novels, both by Arswendo Atmowiloto and by Fissilmi Hamida, have similar educational values that teach to always obey and respect culture in terms of three elements, namely (1) rules in life related to marriage and the position of women, (2) action activities related to language patterns, performing traditional ceremonies and accepting fate, and (3) human products including canting and clothing used by Javanese for marriage. The difference is that Arswendo Atmowiloto’s Canting presents the priyayi culture which has a tradition of not saying much, but actively holding meetings to develop Javanese culture. Meanwhile, in the Canting novel by Fissilmi Hamida, it explains that various batik motifs from Yogyakarta and gending kodhok ngorek are the results of human works.


Cultural Education Value; Novel; Literature

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