Teen Motivation to Create Fake Identity Account on Instagram Social Media

Tanti Hermawati, Rila Setyaningsih, Rahmadya Putra Nugraha


The development of digital technology has brought human fantasy goes beyond limits, creating a three-dimensional space of the following items inside, to a stage where virtual reality has exceeded the manipulation and visual image so as to guide humans step from the real world to the fantasy world. The virtual world looks real and this includes the development of social media such as Instagram. Teens take advantage of such conditions to have a different identity. They can be whatever they want. Fake identities in cyberspace are a solution to teenage problems regarding the absence of self-confidence and social realities in the real world. In particular, this paper will discuss how the virtual reality phenomenon is coupled with real reality by reviewing virtual communication through social media in cyberspace, especially Instagram. The discussion section will begin to discuss the symbolic interactions found on social media, followed by the creation of identity among teens, and also the motivation of teens to create fake identities. The end part of the discussion concluded that social media provided a space for teenagers to have the identity they desire. This identity led teenagers to become another people to cover up their shortcomings. The motivation for teenagers to have a fake identity on Instagram was also supported by the desire to get good appraisal from fellow Instagram users that they might not get in the real world.


Motivation; Fake Identity; Instagram

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i4.2459


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