Work Attitude, Work Skills, and Core Competencies of Employee in Maintaining Business Sustainability of LPD Bali Province

Anak Agung Ngurah Gede Sadiartha


Human Resources (HR) is the most important production factor to be managed among other production factors. this is due to many factors, both internal and external that will affect the attitudes and behaviors of employees at work. all that is the responsibility of the HR management section in managing company HR so that they can work as the company desires. In connection with this, the author conducted research at LPD Bali Province. The purpose of this research is to assess the work attitudes, work skills, and core competencies of employees in maintaining the business sustainability of LPD Bali Province. The method used in this research is the descriptive-analytical method, which is a method that describes the condition of the company based on facts or events in the company by collecting, compiling, classifying, analyzing, interpreting such data, then an analysis is carried out in order to produce a conclusion and suggestions. Questionnaire calculation results processed using the SMART-PLS Program application obtained experience level of project manager had a strong and significant influence on leadership quality of project manager with partial mediation of coaching style, experience level project manager had a strong and significant influence on coaching style of project manager, coaching style of project manager had a strong and significant influence on leadership quality of project manager, experience level project manager had a strong and significant influence on productivity with partial mediation of project manager coaching style and leadership quality, coaching style of project manager had a strong and significant influence on employee productivity with partial mediation of good project manager leadership quality, good leadership quality of project manager had a strong and significant influence on employee productivity.


Work Attitude; Work Skills; Core Competencies; Employee; Business Sustainability; LPD

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