Study of Application of Appropriate Technology on the Cabbage Plants (Study of Utilization of Liquid Organic Solution in Cabbage Plants in Pattapang Village, Tinggimoncong District, Gowa Regency)

Mahir Mahir, Soemarno Soemarno, Bagyo Yanuwiadi, Imam Hanafi


The quantitative experimental research entitled "Study of application of appropriate technology on cabbage plants (study of utilization of liquid organic solutions in cabbage plants in Pattapang village, tinggimoncong district, gowa regency)" is important as an effort to utilize biological natural resources to overcome the threat of pests, increase the productivity of eco-friendly agriculture. The goals that are expected to; 1) increase the efficiency in the utilization of liquid organic solution (loc) by cabbage farmers in the pattapang village, tinggimoncong district, gowa regency , 2) designing manufacturing techniques and describing the application of liquid organic solution (loc) to liquid organic fertilizer (poc) by cabbage farmers in pattapang village, tinggimoncong district, gowa regency, 3) describe the dual benefits of liquid organic fertilizer (poc) on cabbage by cabbage farmers in the pattapang village, tinggimoncong district, gowa regency. The theories referred to in this research are the theory of sustainable development, the theory of polarity of compounds, the theory of element stability, the theory of chemical bonds and the theory of environmental balance. The objects of this research are liquid organic fertilizer, brassicaceae family and their pests, and the informants are farmers. The research design will be carried out with a quantitative experimental method because before laboratory tests are carried out to determine the metabolic secondary compounds in various liquid organic fertilizer mixtures and nutrient content in the planting medium, as well as a field survey to determine the empirical conditions that occur in cabbage farmers. The output obtained is the known level of efficiency in the utilization of liquid organic solution, namely availability, access facilitation, affordability, compounding facilitation, ease of use and low levels of risk of equipment and materials. Poc is formulated from various organic materials that can be used to maximize the productivity of cabbage plants. Ideal concentration required for an area of 100m2 to 168 units of cabbage is 1.25 liters of poc per 15 liters of water to produce a cabbage weighing 800gr/yield. The parameters proven are the number of leaves, the length of the leaf diameter, the weight of the crop and the length of the diameter of the crop so that at the age of 8 weeks of harvest it will be able to produce cabbage with an average weight of up to 800gr/yield or 200 grams heavier than the ideal standard weight of cabbage, which is 600gr/yield. The poc is capable of improving the quality of cabbage which avoids the threat of inorganic compounds, is large and heavy and does not pollute water, soil, air and is not a risk to work safety.


Pests; Cabbage; POC; Eco-Friendly

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