The Rasulan Tradition from Gunung Kidul as a Character Education Means of Mutual Cooperation Values Among Youth

Hardo Adriyanto, Eny Kusdarini


The Indonesian government issued Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 concerning strengthening character education. From these regulations it can be seen that character education is not only the obligation of parents and schools, but also involves the roles and obligations of the community. Thus, it is necessary to develop a local wisdom or tradition so that it can become a vehicle for educating the values of mutual cooperation, especially for youth. This paper aimed to examine the tradition of the Rasulan from Gunung Kidul as a means for education related to the character values of mutual cooperation among youth. The method used in this research was a literature study which conducted by collecting references about the rasulan tradition from Gunung Kidul, the character values of mutual cooperation and youth. The results showed that there was a lot of values character education in mutual cooperation for youth in the rasulan tradition in Gunung Kidul. This means that the rasulan tradition from Gunung Kidul is not only a traditional event, but has led to the education of the character values of mutual cooperation for youth.


Rasulan Tradition; Character; Mutual Cooperation; Youth

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